
산림성 조류(Forest-DwellingBirds)의 인공소상 이용에 관한 연구

임춘우1, 김성철1, 권용호1
Chun-Woo LIM1, Sung-Chul KIM1, Yong-Ho KWON1
Author Information & Copyright
1동국대학교 생명과학과
1Department of Life Science, Dongguk University, Gyeongju 780-714, Korea

ⓒ Copyright 2012 Korean Association for Conservation of Nature. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2012


This study was conducted to investigate use of artificial nest boxes of the forest-dwelling birds. The Jusan-reservoir located in Juwangsan-National Park is the main installation area of the 30 artificial nest boxes. In our study, varied tit Parus varius, great tit P. major, and marsh tit P. palustris used the artificial nest boxes at the study area. The used rate of the artificial nest boxes was 46.6% (n=14). There are differences in use among heights of the artificial nest boxes used by three species respectively (One-way ANOVA, F=14.536, p<0.05). According to the direction of the entrance of used artificial nest boxes, the used rate of them showed nonsignificant difference (Chi-square test, χ2=5.606, p=0.132), but appeared to be preferred of the south. Our results suggest that use of the artificial nest box can be correlated with heights of artificial nest boxes (Binominal logistic regression, Wald=7.626, df=1. p<0.05). Correlation analysis between minimum temperature and date of egg-laying showed significant differences (t-test, t=-2.259, p<0.05).

Keywords: forest-dwelling birds; artificialnest boxes; Jusan-reservoir